That which you are inclined to say reminded me of Paul Ricoeur's massive <Time and Narrative>, which I read long ago preparing for comprehensive exams at York. At the end of three volumes, he concludes that the difference between fictional and historical narrative is that the latter owes a debt to the dead in a way the former does not. The debt to the dead would presumably be difficult to separate from honoring one's ancestors. Likewise, I like the hint (if I do not misread you) that white "settler" Canadians, fragile or not, would do well to honor their elders as our indigenous co-habitants do. Sometimes I think (for one example) the fact alone that my ancestors went to church on Sundays is enough to justify my doing so when I feel like it... contemporary iconoclasts, walk away.
Your next to last paragraph is wonderfully put; I had never thought of history in that way before, but I believe it.
That which you are inclined to say reminded me of Paul Ricoeur's massive <Time and Narrative>, which I read long ago preparing for comprehensive exams at York. At the end of three volumes, he concludes that the difference between fictional and historical narrative is that the latter owes a debt to the dead in a way the former does not. The debt to the dead would presumably be difficult to separate from honoring one's ancestors. Likewise, I like the hint (if I do not misread you) that white "settler" Canadians, fragile or not, would do well to honor their elders as our indigenous co-habitants do. Sometimes I think (for one example) the fact alone that my ancestors went to church on Sundays is enough to justify my doing so when I feel like it... contemporary iconoclasts, walk away.